How to cook punarbagam for Pathiya Samayal - Uma Sridharan

After delivery, a woman's body and stomach is quite tender. It needs to be treated with care and so soft and easily digestive food should be given. Making of this punarbagam is one of the lost recipes or a recipe that many modern people dont know or understand. Here is the method to do it. Infact this is good for those even who have stomach upset or stomach ailments. Any one can have this during peak summer too which acts as a coolant to the body when combined with unsour buttermilk and salt. 

Cooked raw rice (sadam) 1 cup
Water 3 cups

Boil water and add cooked rice.
Let it boil for another 10 mts.
Punarbagam is a good food for delivered ladies, indigestion, fever and stomach upset.
It is easily digestible.
Drained water or otherwise called as punarbaga kanji can be taken with buttermilk and salt, which is first class medicine for urinary infection and heat.

Pathiya Samayal contest entry by Uma Sridharan

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