Lemon Pickle Gujarati style

Lemon - 1 Kg (Juicy one)
Sugar - 1/2 kg
Asafodeita - 1 tsp
Red Chilli Pepper - 4 tsp
Turmeric powder - 2 tsp
Salt - 1 cup

Slit the lemon halfway. Mix salt, turmeric powder and stuff it to the lemon. Place the lemon in airtight jar for about one month or till the water comes out of lemon. Drain the salt water and cut the lemon into 4 pieces. Mix asafodeita, red chilli powder and sugar. Mix the water with the lemon in jar. Cover it tightly. This pickle can be used after 1 week and can be stored for about 2 years.

While taking the pickle from the jar use only clean wooden ladle. A few pieces can be transferred to another smaller container and be used for regular purposes.

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