Bananas - How to select them and store them

It is always better to choose Bananas that are greenish yellow which will ripe in a few hours, rather than choosing the fully ripe yellow ones. If one wish to choose bananas to keep for 2 or 3 days better get the greener ones. Bananas whether it is the greener ones or the ones that is semi ripe should be firm. The skin should be bright and the peel should not be crushed or soft or cut. Never buy bananas that have their stems or tip cut. Though the size of the bananas does not really matter much, when it comes to certain quality of bananas one should be conscious enough.

The semi ripe or the green bananas should be stored in a place where they will not be affected much and where they will not get crushed. The green bananas should be stored in the room temperature untill they ripen completely. (The greener bananas should not be stored in fridge as they will not help in ripening). But the ripe bananas can be refrigerated.Though the skin will get browned up, the banana will not get mashed or crushed. Once it is removed from fridge, keep it in room temperature before eating.

To store bananas for longer, for more than 2 months, it is better to keep them in ziplock bags. To prevent the pieces from discolouration, it can be sprinkled with lemon juice.

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